P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump Wholesale

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  • P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump
  • P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump
  • P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump
  • P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump
  • P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump
  • P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump
  • P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump
  • P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump
  • P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump
  • P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump
  • P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump
  • P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump

P2C High Pressure thread port Double Impeller Close Copula Pump

  • DN Range suctionis Pipe: 32-50 mm (2"-4").
  • DN Range fistulae obeundi: 32-50 mm (2"-4")
  • Fluat capacitas dolor: 0-120 GPM
  • Caput / Pressura dolor: 2-16 Bar
  • Power Range: 1.1-22kw
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  • Sentinae casus cum magno robore mixturae HT500 chalybeis auget servitium vitae aquae sentinae;
  • Sinae monoblock centrifugae in basi ferreo vel in basi cum moderatoris conexi iuxta requisita emptoris institui possunt. Additae limbis, pressione lacus, valvulae et lineae sentientes etiam si opus sit provideri possunt.
  • Sentinae electricae cum YE3 magno motore efficiente cum praesidio IP55 classis F coniungitur, tum motor quadratus & rotundus motor promptus, anti-mordente casu efficiens sentinam, qualitatem NSK gestus, resistentiamque sigillum mechanicum gerunt. Ferrum, aes et chalybem immaculati praesto sunt impulsores omnes.
  • Sentinam aquam vel liquorem corporis et chemicae similem aquae posse tradit. Liquid temperatura 120 C.Ambient temperatus non altior est inter 10°C et 50°C.
  • Excelsa efficacia et continua officii facultates has soleatus ad usum in actionibus utiles facit ut inundationes et imbres irrigationes, aquam ex lacubus, fluminibus et puteo haurientes, vel pro quolibet numero diversarum applicationum industrialium ubi propriae rates fluunt altae et ad medium humilis. caput requiruntur. Apta usui in applicationibus civilibus et agriculturae.
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